One of the blogs I follow Creating from the Heart is having her blogaversary and in celebration is giving away some very nice candy scoot on over there and check it out!
Today we have been having t-storms on and off all day so the boys and I sat around and watched movies all day. I used to love sitting around with my mother and father and watching t.v. (right in the middle of the two) on stormy days. My boys love it to. So after a very gloomy day alas I do not have a card or any other project to post, however, tomorrow is another story. I have 2 projects to start. One I will finish quickly the other will take me at least a few days. I will have a project to post tomorrow my friends.
Good night (it is 11:05pm here) I'm going to watch my d b/f play ps3 for a bit and then go to bed.
till tomorrow . .
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