Thursday, July 23, 2009

That was Sweet

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set aside a time or two perhaps a day to attain to my blog. I started in April as you can see but left it terribly neglected. So I have organized my space and hopefully my mindset and off I go on hopefully a good start to a blog many will people will enjoy.

I made this card a while ago one night when I couldnt sleep. I was up till like 5am making it. Even after I completed it I still wasnt tired. Ever have nights like that?

Well it's late but I wanted to get at least one card posted. I am planning posting a couple more tomorrow.


  1. Gorgeous card! *LOVE* the colours and the adorable stamp!

  2. OMGosh! This is SO sweet. I have that set & have never used it. Now I have to break it out. Stunning! P.S. I love your blog design. It's so lovely! :O)
