Tuesday, July 28, 2009

quick little explanation on my cards and a question . . .

Right now I havent beenleaving information after my cards as to what supplies I use and how I made them because I felt like with just sorta getting out there(I'm still fairly new) that I didnt really need to and that I would do that once I had more followers and.

What do you think? Should I be leaving that information or should I wait till my blog picks up more?



  1. More info always helps, but can take a lot of time. (Though I'm crazy & give too much info, so I might not be the one to ask, LOL) :O)

  2. I'm doing the same thing. I have a grad total of 2 cards up.... but I don't add too much instruction. My plan is too start adding step by step later and the possibly eventually a webcam. Good luck!

  3. Thanks for reply's - I believe in the interest of time and followers at this time anyway that I will continue with how I am doing things now. I did think that perhaps I would add little by little as well, so I think thats a good idea too.
